There are a number of NHS services that allow self referral for patients registered with a Portsmouth GP. We have included these below along with some links to other useful services in the city
1. Physiotherapy
Please follow this link:Physiotherapy | MSK Solent to the Solent NHS Physiotherapy self referral page where you can complete your self referral online. If you have been referred by your GP and need to know how to book your appointment, please download this form
2. Talking Change
This is the psychological service in Portsmouth which you may have seen being widely advertised. You can self refer online from their website
3. Contraception and Sexual Health
This includes self referral for vasectomy and termination of pregnancy. The full list of services and how to access them is on their website
4. Pregnancy
If you have recently found out that you're pregnant there is no need to see a GP, please see link attached for our Antenatal Self Referral link. Badger Notes - Self-refer your pregnancy to SHIP Maternity Referral
5. Alcohol Intervention Team
Based at the civic offices in Portsmouth, they offer support, information, advice and signposting to individuals who drink above 'safe' levels of alcohol for whatever reason. Their website is here
6. Portsmouth Recovery Hub
For support and help with alcohol and drug dependency, visit the Safer Portsmouth Partnership
7. Portsmouth City Council
Our local authority is the provider of social care as well as a wide variety of public services in our city. Their website is here
For more information on adult social care services in Portsmouth click here
One important service we are often asked about is the provision of disabled (blue badges) and parking bays. These no longer involve your GP in the assessment process. For more information please visit the city council's dedicated page here
8. Portsmouth Carers Centre
A carer is anyone who cares unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. Facts about carers include:
Carers don’t choose to become carers: it just happens
You may be a carer for a short or long period of time
You can slowly slip into caring as responsibilities increase over time - or you may need to step in due to a sudden event (such as a stroke)
Nationally, at any one time one in ten people are carers
The caring role may be undertaken by one person or several friends, neighbours or members of the family
Help and support is available from the Portsmouth Carers Centre and can be contacted below:
Portsmouth Carers Centre website
117 Orchard Road
Tel: 02392 851864
9. Rowan's Hospice Meerkat Service
This is a service offered by the local hospice for children under 18 who have experienced bereavement or or who have been supported by the palliative care service before their loved one died. There website is here
10. Veterans Outreach Support
This service offers a drop in facility once a month for ex-service personnel and their families since 2008. For more information please visit their website here. You can also contact them via email or by phone on 023 9273 1767
11. Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse Service can be accessed by phoning National Domestic Abuse Helpline Freephone 0808200247 or online at
For local advice contact Safer Portsmouth Partnership on 02392 065494 (Monday - Friday 9am - 9pm, or 10am - 6pm weekends and bank holidays)
or online at
Portsmouth Emergency Refuge Accomadation - 24 hours 03300165112
12. Mental Health
Are you or someone you know experiencing a crisis and need urgent mental health support? Call 111 or visit and speak to the NHS Mental Health Triage Service.
Our NHS 111 mental health triage service provides advice, support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for anyone living in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
The Mental Health Triage Team has a wide range of skills, including on the phone brief psychological support and has access to key services and organisations that can offer mental health support to people in their time of need.
This service can also be also used by GPs and other healthcare professionals, the emergency services, mental health charities and any other organisations that come into contact with people experiencing a mental health crisis.
The Mental Health Triage Service can be accessed by phone by dialling 111 and online at
13. Audiology Service - NHS Hearing Aid Self-Referral Pathway
If you are over 55 years of age, need a hearing test and are not already on an NHS hearing pathway, and think you might benefit from free NHS hearing aids, you can now self-refer to the local Audiology service
In Portsmouth and South East area, Community Audiology service is provided by Scrivens Hearing Care.
There is no need to contact your GP, but please contact the chosen Scrivens Hearing Care Clinic directly.
You can also attend your local Scrivens Hearing branch for all aftercare and any additional assistance required. Scrivens Hearing branches are open six days a week and offer flexible service to meet the individual needs of each patient.
Online Booking: Customer Services: 0800 027 5102 Email:
St Mary's Treatment Centre
Milton Road
TEL: 0800 027 5102
Scrivens, Havant
3 West Street
Tel: 02392 483445
Scrivens Gosport
103 High Street
PO12 1DS
Tel: 02392 581719
Scrivens, Waterlooville
6 The Precinct (The Boulevard)
London Rd
Tel: 02392 262054
NHS e-Referral Tracking
If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.
You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password – this will be on the second page of your letter
To track an e-Referral, click here.